Friday, March 28, 2008

Yu-Lin's mother and sister

We received an email this morning from Heartsent letting us know that they have been notified by St Lucy Center that Yu-Lin's mom has asked to meet us on Monday and say goodbye to her daughter. We have always known that it was a possibility she would request this. It also shows us that she loves her daughter and only wants the best for her, painful as it may be. We were going to leave her a letter at the orphanage letting her know that we will be doing everything we can to give Yu-Lin a good life, now it will be in person. Heartsent tells us the meeting with be 15 -20 minutes and there will be someone there to translate.

Later in the day we we went to Lotus Lake in Zuoying a suburb of Kaohsiung, and while walking back to catch a taxi on the main road, we found ourselves standing in front of the Kaohsiung Southern Region Children's Home, where Yu-Lin was originally taken and where her older sister, who asked not to be adopted still lives. Her sister who is turning 10 wants to "wait" for her mother to get her life together and come for her. We have been told that her mother does come visit, but it doesn't make it any less heartbreaking. As we stood there, a car pulled up and a little boy who had been on a day visit stepped out looking sad and wandered into the compound. We knew the orphanage was in the part of town, but it was still startling to come across, and know that Yu-Lin's sister was inside there.
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